Jul 4, 2006

Summer School in Romania, Vama Veche, 20-26 August 2006

Summer School on

The Quest for European Values
Vama Veche, Romania
20 – 26 August 2006

Organized by the:

Luxembourg Institute for
European and International Studies

Black Sea University Foundation

European Cultural Centre, Bucharest

The cost of 365 Euro includes participation fee, accommodation in double rooms with own bathroom and all meals.

Application deadline: 10 July 2006

For more information on the programme, you may like to contact:
Mrs. Maria Popescu, Executive Director
European Cultural Centre, Bucharest
49-51, Sf. Voievozi St., apt. 16
Bucharest-1, Romania
E-mail: cti@clicknet.ro

The Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies is a forum of intellectual discussions and research as well as a platform of training and upgrading for undergraduates and young professionals from both western and eastern countries.

One of the Institute’s constant themes of research and debate has been the European integration viewed as a particularly dynamic and challenging process. The topic has been explored for the last 12 years under the form of summer schools organized by the Institute in cooperation with the Black Sea University Foundation and later on with the European Cultural Centre, Bucharest at Mangalia and Vama Veche in Romania.

The 2006 seminar looks into the question whether there are, can and should be common values for the upcoming Europe, i.e. the European Union and beyond. Should the Europeans strive for a common ethos giving the continent a genuine impetus in its political, economic and social endeavours? How far will these values be different from those in other places of the world and how far will they be compatible with those? To what degree is the past of any guidance? Is it wise to have such a debate on values or might such an effort even prove counterproductive in the longer term? How far can a value debate contribute to the shaping of a common identity and thus also to the definition of a possible future role for Europe in the international system?

If you wish to join in the programme, please fill in the following application form:

Summer School
The Quest for European Values Vama Veche, 20 – 26 August 2006

First name:
Last name:

Payment of the 365 Euro course fee will be made:
¨ in cash, at arrival
¨ by bank transfer
¨ I wish to apply for a scholarship

Candidates who request scholarships
should send the filled in Application Form together with:
¨ Curriculum Vitae
¨ Letter of Intention
¨ Two letters of Recommendation
Application deadline: 10 July 2006

Please send the application documents to
Centrul European de Cultura
49-51, Sfintii Voievozi St., 4th floor, apt. 16 Bucharest-1, Romania
Tel./fax: +40213198145
The payment of 365 Euro ( 1,285 RON) can be made either in cash, at arrival, or by bank transfer to account
RO41RNCB5038000020240011/EUR (Euro) or RO20RNCB5038000020240001/ROL (Lei) opened by the European Cultural Centre at the Romanian Commercial Bank, Lipscani branch, 18-20 Lipscani St., Bucharest – 3, Romania

[sursa eurodesk_info]