Jun 16, 2006

CfA: Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Physiotherapy (University of Brighton, UK)

Call for Abstracts and Instructions for Submission

Abstracts are invited for submission from students submitting research projects in the current academic year (2005/06), or who submitted in the previous year (2004/5).

The conference is designed as a forum for physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic students to present and celebrate their undergraduate research. The conference provides a unique opportunity for students to come together in a relaxed and friendly environment and learn about each others profession.

The generous support of the conference sponsors enable prizes to be awarded. The abstracts of the prize winners will be published in Manual Therapy, a prestigious international journal for musculoskeletal therapists.

Presentations will be grouped thematically across the three professions to encourage discussion. Students, lecturers and clinicians are warmly invited to attend.

Deadline for Abstract Submission 28th July 2006

We will let you know whether your abstract has been successful by 18 th August 2006 at the latest .
