Jun 17, 2006

CfE: "All different, all equal" appeal for contributions

The Association "Idées Nouvelles Europe" hopes to publish in summer 2006, a special edition of the magazine Medi@venir containing 16 pages with articles written by young European people (15-18 years old) about the theme of cultural diversity for the campaign < all different, all equal >.

For this, we have started an appeal for contributions which we are asking all our partners to help us with, by passing on information to make young people aware of the importance of this approach. The objective is to gather together as many contributions as possible from as many countries as possible who are members of the Council of Europe. These contributions can be in any form imaginable: a short text, a news item, a story, an essay. (these texts should reach us at the latest by the 1st of July 2006 in French, English, Spanish or Italian with a photography of the author). The authors of the published texts will receive a copy of the European magazine which will also be available on the website : www.ideesnouvelles.com

Fabrice Lachenmaier
Director Idées Nouvelles Europe

[sursa romstudyabroad]