Jun 16, 2006

CfP: Training course - how to better accompany volunteers in reintegrating their social environment after a long-term project

Dear all,

Call for participants for our "Training course – how to better accompany volunteers in reintegrating their social environment after a long-term project" will take place in European Youth Centre, Strasbourg, France – from 24 – 29 of September 2006 (arrivals are foreseen on the 23rd and departures on the 30th).

The training course will address youth leaders and youth workers particularly those preparing long-term volunteers prior their departure and helping them to reintegrate in their social environment and organization upon return, therefore offering them one possibility among others to be active within their community.

The main aim of the training course is to train and empower youth workers and youth leaders on how to accompany volunteers upon return in their reintegration process into the social environment (local community, family, friends, work/school, etc) and understand his/her role as active citizen.

The deadline for applications is JUNE 28th 2006 at latest.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to office@yap.ro.

Selected participants will be informed by the 6th of JULY 2006 at the latest.
Looking forward to receive your applications, best wishes,

Diana Cosmina Marginean
str. Ciucas nr. 3/49
tel. 0744/622977

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