Jun 15, 2006

CfP: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies

The Center for the Research of the History of International Relations „Grigore Gafencu” of Valahia University of Targoviste

Invites professors and researchers to send their papers or collaborations to


Which is a biannual publication, who aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the modern and contemporary history, especially of East-Central European history.

We encourage a closer and larger dialogue with other Romanian and foreign historians interested in opening up new opportunities to disclosure new sources launching new viewpoints and ideas concerning the modern and contemporary historical developments.

We are eager and honoured to open our pages to all both senior and young historians engaged in studies on the history of international relations as well as on the political, economic, social, intellectual developments in the field along with any reviews in other published books and articles calling attention.

Our journal will also host reviews of any scholarly events focusing on modern and contemporary history in Romania and abroad.

Notice on doctoral studies and partial results available for publishing can be also accepted as a way to promote the closer dialogue and better information of our community.

The subject of the next issue (nos. 5-6) of our review is:

- Eastern Europe as a frontier of the Old Continent during the 20th century

Every paper must be sent to silviumiloiu@yahoo.com or silviumiloiu@gmail.com and must respect the Publication Norms (listed below)

Paper’s deadline is October 31st, 2006

Publication Norms

- The paper must be unpublished work;
- The paper must contain the author or authors’ full names, Institution they belong to and their e-mails;
- The paper must be submitted in the official languages of the publication: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian; they must contain a title, a short abstract written in English, five to ten key words as well as a ten row bio note about the author(s);
- The maximum length for the articles is 20 pages, with a single
space interlining;
- The contributions must be sent in word format;
- The documents must be sent preferably in Garamond or Times New Romania fonts size 12, margins 2;
- Footnotes must be put automatically in Garamond or Times New Romania fonts size 10;
- Images illustrating the text must be sent as .jpg or .tiff files; the author assumes responsibility for the right to publish the images;
- The journal’s editorial board reserves the right that upon the review by the referents to publish or reject any of the received papers and to suggest any of the collaborators changes that may be considered as necessary.

Must respect the Turabian and Chicago styles citation; see:

For instance:

Paul Sjöblom, Finland from the inside. Eyewitness Reports of a Finnish-American Journalist, 1938-1997, ed. Glenda Dawn Goss (Helsinki:New Bridge, 2000), 109.

Silviu Miloiu, “Mobilizing the European idea at Europe’s eastern frontier. The war propaganda of Romania and Finland as recorded in their bilateral relationship (1941-1944),” Valahian Journal of Historical Studies 3-4 (2005), 67-75.

Chapters in volumes:
Jukka Nevakivi, “Independent Finland between East and West,” in Finland: people, nation, state, ed. M. Engman, D. Kirby (London: Hurst&Company, 1989), 139-140.

Sheperd’s dispatch no. 127 of 11.06.1946 to Ernest Bevin, PRO FO 371/56177.

Dr. Silviu Miloiu
e-mails: silviumiloiu@yahoo.com; silviumiloiu@gmail.com;
Valahia University of Targovişte, Faculty of Humanities, Str. Lt.
Stancu Ion, Nr. 34-36, Târgovişte 130107, Romania
Tel. (004) 0722691323 or (004) 0724403094

Additional information about the review

Publisher: sc Editura Logos srl, Targoviste, Romania
Executive Manager: Dan Margarit
e-mail: margas2002@yahoo.com

The editorial board:

Editor: Professor Dr. Ion Stanciu, Valahia University of Targoviste
Assistant Editor: Dr. Silviu Miloiu, Valahia University of Targoviste,

Romania, e-mail (s): silviumiloiu@yahoo.com; miloiu_s@yahoo.com
Webpages: http://site.neogen.ro/valachian

Editorial Board:
- Dr. Florin Anghel, Ovidius University of Constanta
- MA Louis Clerc, University of Strasbourg
- Professor Adrian Mac Liman; Political Scientist, Ciencias Sociales
Mediterráneo Foundation, Altea (Alicante)
- MA Stefan Popescu, University of Paris I - Sorbonne
- MA Marco Pribilla, University of Turku

- Professor Dr. Constantin Buşe, University of Bucharest
- Professor Dr. Gheorghe Buzatu, University of Craiova
- Professor Dr. Ion Calafeteanu, Valahia University of Targoviste
- Professor Dr. Eugen Denize, Nicolae Iorga Institute of History,
- Professor Dr. Gheorghe Sbârna, Valahia University of Targoviste
- Professor Dr. Gheorghe Zbuchea, University of Bucharest

Dr. Silviu Miloiu
"Valahia" University of Targoviste
Faculty of Humanities
Department of History
Center for the Research of the History of International Relations Grigore Gafencu (Webpage http://site.neogen.ro/centrul_gafencu)
Carol I Ave., No. 2,
Targoviste - Romania
Webpage: http://site.neogen.ro/silviu.miloiu

[sursa balkans]