The Fulbright Scholar Program, sponsored by the United States Department of State through its Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau, has been sending American academics and professionals to Russia since 1974. Scholars of anthropology have been active members of this exchange from the very beginning. For the Academic Year 2007-2008 Fulbright continues to offer a number of opportunities to lecture and/or conduct research in all academic disciplines. Grants are for periods as short as 3 months or as long as an academic year.
Benefits include travel, a stipend, maintenance support, etc. Placements can be anywhere in the Russian Federation with an academic, artistic, or scientific
institution. Full descriptions of the program, the benefits offered, and all application materials can be found at the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Website The application deadline is
1 August 2006.
The three award categories available are:
Research – All Disciplines – Award #7197 -
Lecturing or Lecturing/Research – All Disciplines – Award #7198 -
Lecturing or Lecturing/Research – Social Sciences – Award #7199 –
CIES program staff responsible for the Fulbright program in Russia
are Andy Riess, Ph.D.,, 202.686.6247 and Mr. Greg
Zalasky,, 202.686.6241.
Andy Riess, Ph.D.
Senior Program Officer
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
3007 Tilden Street, NW - Suite 5L
Washington, DC 20008-3009
tel. 202.686.6247
fax 202.362.3442
[sursa e-nass]