Dear potential Partners,
Dear Friends,
We are looking for the potential partners to join the project realized within YOUTH Programme "Action 5 Supportive Measures: Innovative co-operation, training and information projects, DG EAC Call 62/05". The project focuses on the following theme: "Innovation in European Citizenship education" (deadline 1st July 2006)
The partners must non-profit making organizations or local and regional authorities.
The project aims at developing innovative methods of "teaching" young people active European Citizenship
Interested organisations are asked to send a short description of their activity until Wednesday, 15th June 2006.
With best regards,
Magdalena Bartosik
Projekty Miêdzynarodowe & Socrates Erasmus
International Projects & Socrates Erasmus
Wy¿sza Szko³a Informatyki
The College of Computer Science
93-008 £ódŸ, ul.Rzgowska 17a
tel. (042) 682 61 23 w.148
fax. (042) 640 33 55
[sursa euproject]