Jun 3, 2006

SPANELSKO: CEMFI Summer School, Madrid


The Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) is a non-profit foundation created by the Banco de España. It is devoted to training and research in economics. CEMFI carries out two main activities: graduate education, in the Master's Programme in Economics and Finance and the Summer School in Economics and Finance, and research.

THE SUMMER SCHOOL IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE aims at providing established practitioners and academics from all over the world with an opportunity to update their training in fields within CEMFI's range of expertise. The courses are also open to graduate students who intend to specialize in such fields.

a.. Teaching standards in the Summer School courses are set at the same level of excellence as in the regular courses of CEMFI's Master’s Programme. Each course gives a complete and rigorous coverage of its contents. Because of the intensive nature of the courses and the substantive material covered, participants are advised to work full-time on their courses during the corresponding week. In this respect, we do not recommend attendees to participate in more than one course per week.

a.. Each course lasts for five days (Monday to Friday). In this edition, the courses will spread over three weeks, from 28 August to 15 September 2006. Lectures are organized in daily four-hour slots, with a half-hour break in the middle. Courses will be offered if a minimum of 10 people enroll in them. The number of participants per course will not exceed 30. At the end of each course, participants will receive a diploma.

a.. For this edition, we have six courses taught in English. The presentation of theoretical material will be complemented with a discussion of applications, exercises, and problems. In addition, the faculty will set office hours for participants interested in asking questions related to the material taught in class. In the evening of the third day of each course, the School will organize (at no additional charge) a course dinner in order to provide participants and teachers with an occasion to interact in a relaxed atmosphere.

b.. Accommodation in Madrid is arranged by each participant. The section on Application and fees in these pages contains information about travel agencies and university halls of residence which might be useful.


Phone number: +34 914 290 551
e-mail: ssef@cemfi.es

Requisites and admission criteria

a.. Summer School applicants must have a university degree (BA or equivalent) that guarantees that they are capable of following the corresponding course.

a.. In the description of each course, there is an indication of the background in econometrics, finance, economic theory or other subjects that participants should possess in order to take full advantage of the course. In addition, participants must have a good knowledge of the English language.

b.. Admission decisions will be based on the education background and professional experience of the applicants, as well as on the order of arrival of their applications.

Applications and tuition fees

a.. Applications for admission should be submitted electronically. The deadline is Friday 7 July 2006. Applications received after this deadline will be processed depending on availability.

Access to the on-line form

a.. There are two classes of tuition fees, which include a reading package:

- General fee, amounting EUR 1,500 per course
- Academic fee, amounting EUR 800 per course

Academic fees are only applicable to full-time university faculty or full-time graduate students. The applicants in this group (after submitting their electronic applications) may request a discount of EUR 300 by sending an application letter to the Director of the SSEF, CEMFI, Casado del Alisal 5, 28014 Madrid, Spain, together with a CV documenting the merits and circumstances which might justify this discount.

b.. The decisions regarding applications arrived on time will be notified no later than 14 July 2006. Applicants will receive an admission number for each of the courses to which they are admitted and should advance a non-refundable payment of EUR 150 before 28 July 2006 as reservation for the course. The rest of the tuition fee should be paid before 17 August 2006.

c.. These payments should be made preferably by VISA, Master Card or 4B credit/debit card using a secure server that will be accessible through a personalized URL address that admitted participants will receive by e-mail together with their admission number.

Alternatively, the payments can be made by a bank transfer (with bank fees at the participant's expense). After ordering the transfer, a copy of the bank receipt should be faxed to the number +34 914 291 056, with a clear indication the admission number. The bank account is:

Name of account: CEMFI
Bank: Bankinter
Address: Paseo de la Castellana, 29, 28046 Madrid
Account number: 0128-0010-97-0100532092

For transfers from outside Spain:
IBAN code: ES05-0128-0010-97-0100532092


a.. Accommodation in Madrid should be arranged by participants. Non-standard options such as university halls of residence may be open to visitors at that time of the year. Participants may contact directly with the halls of residence whose details are listed below. However, CEMFI assumes no responsibility for the service provided.

Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 2, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid
Tel.: +34 915 336 812, Fax: +34 915 548 758
E-mail: cmusepi.cm@funep.es

Avda. Arco de la Victoria, s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid
Tel.: +34 914 551 560, Fax: +34 915 435 188
E-mail: adm@casadobrasil.org

a.. Participants who intend to opt for hotel accommodation are advised to book their rooms well in advance (cancellation costs, if any, will typically be small) and to explore the discount rates offered by Internet sites such as www.viajar.com, www.rumbo.es and similar international agencies.


[sursa study-x]