Jul 2, 2006

CfP: Birinci Iktisat Tarihi Kongresi (Turkish and English)


Cok sayida iktisat tarihcisi ve tarihcinin girisimiyle planlanan Ýktisat Tarihi Kongreleri serisinin ilki, 14/15 Eylül 2007 tarihlerinde Marmara Universitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi'nin ev sahipliginde Istanbul'da yapilacaktir.

Kongrede ele alinacak konu basliklari, basvuru formu ve diger ayrintilar icin http://www.titap.org/kongre/ adresine bakilabilir.


Rahmi Deniz OZBAY

Iktisat Bl.
Ogr. Gor. Dr.

The first Economic History congress supported by the Turkish Platform for Economic History Studies (TITAP) is coming up on September 14-15, 2007. The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Marmara University will host the conference in Istanbul.

The language of the sessions will be Turkish, however, participants from outside of Turkey can present their papers in English.

All applications must be electronically sent to the kongre@titap.org address. The application deadline for the paper titles and abstracts (not to exceed 300 words) is December 1, 2006.

Following their evaluation by the academic committee, the admitted papers will be announced on the congress website by January 15, 2007.

All papers will be submitted before August 15, 2007.

Please check www.titap.org/kongre/ for additional information.

On behalf of the Academic Committee

Erol Özvar

Associate Professor

Marmara University

e-mail: kongre@titap.org


[sursa e-nass]