Jun 5, 2006

CfA: Spinning out of control: rhetoric and violent conflict

Call for participants

The research project “Spinning out of control: rhetoric and violent conflict. Representations of 'self' – 'other' in the Yugoslav successor states” will compare six interethnic/interregional conflicts in the Yugoslav successor states with regard to how the 'Other' is represented in the public discourse. In particular we look for possible regularities in the relationship between types of rhetoric and types of outcomes (violent/non-violent). The six conflicts we will study are: three cases of massive violence (Croatia 1991-92, Bosnia 1992-95, and Kosovo
1998-99), two cases of conflict with limited violence, Slovenia 1991 and Macedonia
2001 and one region which has experienced (ethno)political tension, but without entering into a violent mode, Montenegro.

The project is financed by the Norwegian research council and coordinated by professor Pål Kolstø, University of Oslo. The project will run through 2009.
For a full project outline follow the link.

In this connection we make an open call for participants. We need one experienced research collaborator and one junior research assistant for each conflict. The two will work as a team. Applicants can apply as teams or individually.

Applicants who apply as a junior research assistant must be resident in the region he/she shall study. Applicants who apply as research collaborator must be resident of one of the post-Yugoslav states, and preferably of the region he/she shall study. Both research collaborator and junior research assistant must be fluent in the local language, or in both languages if the parties to the conflict speak different languages.

Research collaborators should be a Ph.D. student or have finished a Ph.D. degree. They must document training in at least one and preferably more of the following disciplines: discourse analysis, media analysis, conflict analysis, and nationalism and ethnic relations. Previous participation in research projects of a similar kind will be taken into consideration when collaborators are selected.

Junior research assistants should be a graduate student or have finished a
master's degree. They must document exposure to at least one and preferably more of the following disciplines: discourse analysis, media analysis, conflict analysis, and nationalism and ethnic relations.

All participants will be invited to a workshop in Sarajevo in fall 2006 to
discuss theory and method, criteria for the selection of material to be analyzed, and the overall structure of the project. All expenses in connection with the workshop will be covered over the project.

Each research collaborator will receive a fee of 2000 Euro for his/her participation in the project, as well as a 1000 Euro grant for literature and other expenses. The local research assistant will receive a grant for three months of full time work to collect material for the analysis (500 Euro pr. month.) They will also receive a fee of 1000 Euro for his/her part in the writing of a chapter together with the collaborator.

Applications can be sent to Tijana Balac, tijana.balac@ilos.uio.no or

Applications should include a CV and a publications list (if any). Application deadline is 20 June 2006. If you are using regular mail, we should have your application byp this date at the address:

Tijana Balac
PB 1003 Blindern
0315 Oslo

Women are encouraged to apply.

[sursa balkans]