Departments of Anthropology, University College London & University of Cambridge,
Cambridge Central Asia Forum present:
New Directions in Post/Socialist Research, 19-20 June 2006.
Department of Anthropology
University College London
14 Taviton Street (off Gordon Square)
London WC1H 0BW
Monday 19 June, 10am to 5:45pm.
9:30 Coffee, Daryll Forde Seminar Room.
10:00 Panel 1: Politics, states & civil society
Christopher Kaplonski (William Paterson University/University of Cambridge), “Tagnuul and esergüü: spies, counter-revolutionaries and the narrative of political violence in post-socialist Mongolia”.
David Gulette (University of Cambridge), “After the "Revolution": "Tribalism" in the Kyrgyz Republic”.
Manuela Leonhardt (University College London), “Hospitality and Hierarchy in post-Soviet Dagestan”.
Rano Turaeva (Max Planck Institute), “Internal migrants in Tashkent: Continuities and discontinuities in post-socialist Uzbekistan”.
Discussant: Harry West (SOAS).
12:15 Lunch (45 minutes; today’s lunch will be provided £3.50).
1:00 Panel 2: Formal and informal structures and markets
Elizabeth Vann (Lehigh University), “What’s scarce in a market economy? The Search for “Source Goods” in Vietnam”.
Anna Cristina Pertierra (University College London), “La chopin: scarcity
and consumption in urban Cuba”.
Simon Reid-Henry (Queen Mary, University of London), Biotechnology in the Western Havana Scientific Pole.
Alena Ledeneva (SSEES), “Blat and Guanxi: Comparative analysis of informal practices
in Russia and China”.
Discussant: Caroline Humphrey (University of Cambridge)
3:15 Break (15 minutes)
3:30 Panel 3: NGOs, development & aid.
Melissa Caldwell (University of California, Santa Cruz), “Rescuing the Socialist Ideal in Postsocialist Russia: The Politics of Social Welfare and International Development”.
Adam Fagan (Queen Mary, University of London), “Local activism after socialism and conflict: environmental protest in Bosnia-Herzegovina”.
Katrin Hansing & Hauke Dorsch (University of Bayreuth), “From Socialist Fraternity to Southern Solidarity: Experiences and Voices from Cuba’s social assistance programs to Africa”.
Lois Woestman (New School for Social Research), “Planning the Capitalist Future, Recreating the Imperial Past: Planners and Immovable Property in Postsocialist Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Discussants: Deniz Kandiyoti (SOAS), Shailaja Fennell (Cambridge).
5:45 End of Panel 3. Meet for drinks in the Housman Room.
7:30 Dinner at Tas Restaurant, 22 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3QJ. Reservation has been made for 40 people, with a set menu of £15.99 excluding drinks.
Tuesday 20 June, 10am to 4:30pm
9:30 Coffee, Daryll Forde Seminar Room.
10:00 Panel 4: Generational change
Svetlana Stephenson (London Metropolitan University), “The Kazan’ Leviathan: youth street gangs and the problem of social order”.
Stefan Kirmse (SOAS), “Central Asian Youth in a Globalising World: The students of Osh between different cultural messages”.
Ivana Polonijo (University of Zagreb), “Childhood Research and the Case of Croatian Ethno-Anthropology”
Zuzana Burikova (Institute of Ethnology SAS, Bratislava), “Why Slovak women become au pairs”.
Discussant: Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers (SSEES).
12:15 Lunch (1.5 hours, participants to organise their own lunch today)
1:45 Panel 5: Ideology & knowledge
Patrice Ladwig (University of Cambridge), “Work discipline, solidarity and Laoness: Teaching Buddhist ethics under socialism and late socialism in Laos”.
Caleb Wall (Centre for Development Research), “Local Agricultural Knowledge in Transition: The impact of Socialism and its downfall on indigenous and local agricultural knowledge in Khorezm, Uzbekistan”.
Lenka Nahodilova (Charles University, Prague), “Rename! Re-dress! Resettle!
Making of the New Communist Man in a Bulgarian Muslim Village”.
Discussant: Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (University of Cambridge).
3:30 Roundtable discussion (with tea and coffee)
Discussion of funding opportunities led by Victor Buchli (UCL)
Discussion of current and future research of attendees who did not present papers
Discussion of overall themes and research questions
Future meetings, mailing lists and other activities
4:30 End of workshop. Meet for drinks in the Housman Room.
Please pre-register by emailing Ruth Mandel (
Registration fee: £10 waged, £5 unwaged.
[sursa e-nass]