Full-time Research Studentships
Health and Social Care
Faculty of Health & Social Care
Based in Milton Keynes
Applications are invited for a three year, funded studentship for full-time study towards a postgraduate degree, to commence on 1 January 2007. The studentship is offered in partnership with the national charity the Race Equality Foundation and is on the following topic:
Evaluating the impact of Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities; a leading parent education programme which has successfully engaged black and minority ethnic parents.
You will hold a first or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject and should preferably have a relevant master's degree, or at least have completed research methods training at master's level. A research proposal is required as part of the application process, for further information please refer to
the guidance in the further particulars.
For detailed information and how to apply go to www3.open.ac. uk/employment, or call Penny Wilkinson or Lesley Henderson (Faculty Research Office) on 01908 858373/654233 or email HSC-Research- Enquiries@ open.ac.uk. Closing date: 12 noon on 14 November 2006. Interview date: 17 November 2006.
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