Feb 2, 2006

Call for papers: Equal Opportunities International

Call for Papers - Equal Opportunities International (EOI)

Equal Opportunities International (EOI, established in 1982, now with a new
editorial board) is a double-blind peer reviewed journal, which publishes original, critical and scholarly papers that make theoretical and methodological contributions to our understanding of equal opportunities, discrimination, diversity and inclusion in society, organisation or work from any cognate perspective within social sciences or humanities.

Paper submissions should make original, critical and, scholarly contributions to the theory, policy and/or methods in equal opportunities. Each paper should be firmly located in relevant academic literature and its key contribution should be clearly expressed. The articles must be original pieces of work that are not under consideration for publication or that have not been published elsewhere. The authors are required to write in plain English language and in a style that is free from technical terms.

We appreciate that the framing of equity issues is directly influenced by the local historical and socio-political contexts and encourage authors to consider their particular location in their submission and contributions. The papers should seek to appeal to both scholars in the field of equal opportunities and practitioners including equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion officers and policy makers from private, publics and voluntary sector organizations. The EOI is committed to social inclusion and social justice.

Journal Overview

Equal opportunities and its allied concepts, including inequality, inequity,
disadvantage, diversity, and inclusion, have been studied extensively as all
disciplines of social sciences and humanities. The promulgation of interest in the field of inequality owes much to the awareness that was brought about by the earlier human and civil rights and feminist movements which have engendered legal and social reforms that provided protection against unfair forms of discrimination. The advent of legal and social reforms in the field, as well as the broadening of the theory of equal opportunities to include a wider range of inequalities based on sex, race, disability status, age, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality and social class have all contributed to the general growth of scholarly interest in the
field. EOI engages with this interest, offering a platform for full and rigorous
exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation and other nascent and incipient forms of inequalities in the context of society, organisation and work.

It is important to acknowledge that there are some dichotomies between the reality and rhetoric of equal opportunities, the forms of practitioner and the academic knowledge in the field, scholarly approaches to equal opportunities across disciplines of social sciences and humanities, as well as their use of concepts and methods in order to uncover inequalities, and offer strategies for change towards equality of opportunity, valuing of diversity or pursuit of social inclusion. Further, there is a widening of the gap between studies that adopt micro-agentic, meso-institutional and macro-national approaches to the study of equal opportunities.

In this context, the journal, EOI, seeks to serve as a proverbial bridge across the spectrum of scholarly research which is allied with equal opportunities and facilitate development of the academic field, by establishing a dialogue across its methodological, theoretical, applied and philosophical silos. This is only possible through collective efforts of the editorial board, reviewers, authors and readers of the journal towards supporting the scholarly rigour and relevance of the journal.

Paper Procedure: The journal houses four types of contributions: (1) double-blind
peer refereed papers, which are received through its paper submission system, (2) commissioned seminal works from eminent scholars by invitation only (these papers will also be subject to double blind peer review), (3) practitioner insights from professional workers in the field and (4) book reviews and conference reports with prior agreement with the relevant editors. Upon receipt, the paper submission will be reviewed by the main editor, and if considered of suitable standard it will be sent for refereeing to two reviewers, based on its classification by disciplinary and geographic focus. When the two referees´ comments are received, the editor
may decide to accept the paper, ask for revisions or reject it.

See the web site for paper submission details:

Dr Mustafa F. Ozbilgin
Editor, Equal Opportunities International
Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity
School of Business and Management
Queen Mary, University of London
E1 4NS, London, UK
Web: http://www.busman.qmul.ac.uk/staff/Ozbilgin.shtml
Personal web page: http://www.ozbilgin.net
Direct Line: +442078827014
Mobile: +447967105959

[sursa study-x]