Feb 5, 2006

Tischner Debates Online - call for articles (II)

*'Tischner Debates Online'*

*Call for Articles – II*


The Erasmus of Rotterdam Chair at Warsaw University announces second open call for articles. The best articles and essays will be published in April 2006. The main theme which should be addressed in the submitted texts refers to the second Tischner Debate, 'On Inequality'.

Texts may have a broad approach, ranging from the humanities to the social sciences, philosophy of politics, history of ideas, political science and others.

At most, 10 texts will be published online. Authors of the three best articles or essays will receive cash prizes funded by the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. In addition, the editorial boards of ResPublica Nowa and Transit – Europäische Revue have expressed their interest in publishing selected articles.

The president of jury of the competition is prof. Krzysztof Michalski, rector of the IWM.

Submitted articles will be reviewed on the basis of the following criteria: clarity, quality of argumentation, style.

Deadline for submitting the articles is March 10, 2005. Texts should be submitted to erazm@uw.edu.pl and should have between 18,000 and 23,000 characters. Harvard quotation should be applied.

Join our initiative and submit articles. We wish you good luck.

Marcin BÄ…ba and Wojciech Przybylski

'Tischner Debates Online' is a collection of articles and essays from the field of the humanities and social sciences. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas between authors of high-quality texts and renowned intellectuals, scholars and politicians who were among the participants of the Tischner Debates.

We intend to publish online selected articles in order to stimulate a flow of ideas and to illustrate different lines of argumentation and reasoning. Subsequent calls for papers will enrich the Tischner Debates held at Warsaw University and organized by the Erasmus of Rotterdam Chair, Warsaw University, and the Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna. Therefore, future calls will address the main questions of the past and future debates.

[sursa eurostudyabroad]