Feb 21, 2006

Summer school with scholarships FINLAND

24th July - 11th August 2006 The 16th Jyväskylä Summer School is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Jyväskylä Summer School annually offers courses for advanced Master's students, graduate students and post-docs in the various fields of science.
Fields of the summer school
Renewable Energy
Scientific Computing
Information Systems
The electronic application form and information regarding the application process are available!
The deadline for the electronic Summer School application and the application for financial support (in paper) is 12th April 2006.

In order to apply for the 16th Jyväskylä Summer School, please fill in the electronic application form by using the link below. Fill in all the required information carefully and consult the course Schedule in order to avoid the overlapping of the courses. Please note that some courses may have prerequisites or a limitation on the number of students (mentioned in the descriptions of the Courses).
Your contact details are extremely important (name, email, address) in order for you to receive our information letter and emails. In addition, note that the students will be selected on the basis of a motivation letter. Remember to write it carefully (in the space provided in the end of the application form) as well as remember to name the academic person recommending you (supervisor) and provide his/her contact information. The students already registered at the University of
Jyväskylä as degree students are not required to fill in this part.
Please submit the application form only once! In other words, select all the courses you wish to attend, fill in all the required information in the same application form and after that press ‘send the application form’ button only once. You will receive a Confirmation Page confirming your electronic submission immediately after submitting this form. The Summer School Secretary will acknowledge your online application by email once it has been processed. If you have any questions regarding the application form or application process, please contact the Summer School Secretary at jss@cc.jyu.fi.
Application form for the 16th Jyväskylä Summer School


After the deadline, the organising committee of the Summer School will select the students for the courses on the basis of the application forms. Information about these decisions will be both emailed and sent by regular mail for all applicants in the middle of May (2nd and 3rd week of May). After receiving the information letter, students are requested to confirm their participation in the Summer School via email by 9th June.

If you wish to withdraw your application, please, inform the Summer School Secretary as soon as possible (jss@cc.jyu.fi).

Financial support JSS16-Scholarships
The 16th Jyväskylä Summer School will allocate 30 grants for the Summer
School students. A grant will cover the accommodation fee in a student apartment over the duration of the selected courses and travelling expenses up to 100 euros. These grants can be applied by all students despite the country of origin. Guidelines for applying can be found below.

The 16th Jyväskylä Summer School has received financial support from INTAS - International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (www.intas.be) INTAS grant will be used to support 30 young scientists (graduate students, PhD students or post-doctoral students) from the New Independent States (NIS, see the list of countries below*) in the age range of 20 to 35 years. INTAS support is not offered to undergraduate students. The young scientists must be permanently living in one of the NIS and be NIS citizens. NIS scientists with a permanent residence outside the NIS or with a temporary research position lasting longer than 6 months outside the NIS at the time of the Summer School are not eligible to receive INTAS support. The INTAS grant will cover:

• Travel from the place of living in the NIS to the Summer School in Jyväskylä, Finland, and return at the cheapest economy rate and visa and insurance related to the travel.
• Accommodation in the student apartment during the chosen courses
and daily allowance for meals.

*NIS - The New Independent States of the former Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan

Applying for financial support

If applying for either JSS16-scholarships or INTAS-grants, please print the application form for financial support by using the link below. Fill in and sign it and send it with it's appendices, your CV and a recommendation letter from your supervisor, by regular mail (applications are not accepted in digital form) to the Summer School Secretary Ms. Johanna Hakulinen to the address:

Jyväskylä Summer School
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
P.O.Box 35 (MaD140)
40014 University of Jyväskylä

Application form as a rtf and pdf document:
Application form for financial support.rtf (RTF - document)
Application form for financial support.pdf (PDF - document)

! Please note that you also have to fill in the electronic application form of the Summer School in which you indicate the courses you are applying for!
(Letter has to arrive in the Summer School Office by then)

After the deadline each department/subject and the organising committee of the Summer School will select the students who will receive the grant. Information about these decisions will be both emailed and sent by regular mail to all applicants in the middle of May (2nd and 3rd week of May). After receiving this information, the students who received the grant, are requested to confirm via email by 9th June, if they accept the grant. The expenses for the students, who receive the grant, will be reimbursed during the Summer School in Jyväskylä.
Reimbursement before arrival in Jyväskylä is not possible!


[sursa eurostudyabroad]