Oct 19, 2006

CfE: EJDR 2007 prize - The Impact of India and China's Growth on the Developing World - good, bad or otherwise?

The European Journal of Development Research aims to achieve the highest standards of debate and analysis on matters of policy, theory and practice, in all aspects of development studies. It exists particularly in order to publish research carried out in Europe or in co-operation with European institutions.

Most issues are special issues with a common theme in addition to 'free-standing' articles. We invite submissions on the subject "The Impact of India and China's
growth on the Developing World - good, bad or otherwise?" Papers on the subject can take either an economic stance (e.g. trade, commodity prices, investment) or look at the question from a political angle (e.g. on aid flows, on debates about conditionality, etc.). The paper can either be regional-specific (i.e. on Latin America, Africa or Asia), or it can be more generalist.

The deadline for Submissions is 1st April 2007.

http://www.eadi. org/detail_ page.phtml? page=pub_ ejdr_prize2007

[sursa romstudyabroad]