Oct 17, 2006

CfP: Extending The Boundaries: New Research in Sociology Postgraduate Conference

Extending The Boundaries: New Research in Sociology Postgraduate Conference
Friday 27th April 2007
School of Social Sciences, City University, Whiskin Street, London EC1V 0HB

Research students at any stage in their doctoral research are invited to submit papers exploring the issue of 'boundaries'. Papers can be methodological, theoretical and /or substantive and submissions from all sociology related disciplines are welcomed. The conference provides an opportunity for research students to present and discuss their work in a friendly and supportive environment and registration is free to all research students.

Please submit abstracts of a maximum of 300 words to by Friday 8th December 2006.

Website: http://www.city. ac.uk/sociology/ mediacomm/ Boundaries. html

[sursa romstudyabroad]