Oct 12, 2006

Ph.D. program in Economics and Management - Germany

Ph.D. Students

BiGSEM, Bielefeld University, Germany (Germany)

"Educating tomorrow’s leaders in economics and management for science, society, and the economy."

The Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BiGSEM) welcomes applications for its

Ph.D. program in Economics and Management

for the academic year 2007. BiGSEM offers a modern 3-year Ph.D. program that emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive theoretical and interdisciplinary education. The major difference to traditional German Ph.D. studies is a compulsory course program guaranteeing a solid foundation in the field. An international network of partner universities enables a wide variety of courses taught by renowned experts.

The Department of Business Administration and Economics at Bielefeld University established BiGSEM in 2001 in close cooperation with the Institute of Mathematical Economics. The goal was to offer a Ph.D. program competitive with successful US-American graduate programs. To facilitate the international scientific cooperation as well as the integration of international students, English was chosen as language of instruction.

The Ph.D. program is open to exceptional and highly motivated graduates with a background in business administration, economics, mathematics, or related fields, such as engineering, operations research, or statistics. BiGSEM encourages especially applications from international graduates. A formal requirement for admission is a master’s degree or equivalent with a written thesis. Essential for a successful participation in the program is a sound knowledge of modern mathematical techniques.

Application forms and further information are available online at http://www.bigsem. de. Complete application packages should be received by the graduate school no later than December 31, 2006 for the academic year 2007. Questions can be directed to Prof. Volker Böhm, Ph.D., chairman of the program, phone: +49 - 521 – 106 5637, eMail: bigsem @ wiwi.uni-bielefeld. de.

Application has to be received by 31. December 2006.

This job offer has been submitted by Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BiGSEM).

[sursa beasiswa]