Oct 19, 2006


The Third Euro Mediterranean Youth Organisations Meeting
“Tools and skills for sustainable Euro Mediterranean intercultural networks”
Barcelona 16th - 20th April 2006

This meeting is being organized by REDS-Red Europea de Diálogo Social, with the support of the Youth Council of Barcelona and the City Council of Barcelona.
Since its creation in 1999, REDS facilitates the exchange, the debate, cooperation and networking with the objective to combine skills and to increase social and political impact.

Objectives and content of the Meeting
To provide a meeting and training space to European and Mediterranean youth organizations with the objective to facilitate the intercultural dialogue and the emergence of new and sustainable networks of euro Mediterranean cooperation.
Workshop and work sessions will focus on needed tools and skills to build active and sustainable youth organizations networks.

Participants’ profile
Participants are representatives of non profit youth organizations from European and Mediterranean countries working on intercultural and cultural fields.
About 40 participants will attend the Meeting.

Information and application
Magali Prat / Ana Luísa Sousa
Red Europea de Diálogo Social.
c/ Trafalgar, 25 2on. 2a. Barcelona 08010
tél. + 34 93 268 41 08 // fax + 34 93 268 71 20
Email: europa@redeuropea. org et web : www.redeuropea. org

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