About the Journal
International Crimes and History is a biannually publication of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM) and its affiliated institution Research Institute for Crimes Against Humanity ÝKSAREN), and is a national and refereed journal.
The purpose of the Eurasian File is to form an academic discussion ground by conducting theoretical and historical research in the fields of crimes against humanity, international crimes, genocide etc. For example some studies from the previous numbers are as follows: "The Atrocities the Bosniaks Have Been Subjected to
Throughout History", "The Historical Bases of the Greek Ideal of Independence and the Tripolitza Massacre", "Portection of Witnesses in International Criminal Procedures", The Role of France in the Rwandan Genocide", "The Turbulent History of Sudan: From Independence to Darfur", "The International Criminal Judiciary: Problems of Judicial Selection".
The views expressed in the articles of the International Crimes and History bind exclusively their authors, they do not in any way express the official views of ASAM - ÝKSAREN.
Call for Article Submissions
New issue of International Crimes and History will be published in December 2008. The proposals for the articles must be submitted at least on August 25, 2008. Because of the refree evaluation process, the written articles must be submitted at least on November 10, 2008.
Guidelines for Submissions
The articles to be sent to the Eurasian File should be in Microsoft Word format, typed in Times New Roman, 12pt .
The articles should not be shorter than 4500 words nor longer than 10 000 words (The footnotes and references sections are not included in the word count).
The articles should be sent with summaries, not exceeding 85 words, added to the first page of the article along with Heading, and Key Words.
The authors should provide their names, titles, place of duty and e-mails.
The graphics or visual material desired to be used in articles should be of high resolution quality. It should be kept in mind that the as journal is published in black and white so graphics should be chosen accordingly.
All articles will be translated into Turkish by ASAM - ÝKSAREN.
References should be notified with endnotes and at the end of the text, under the title of "References" , the full identification of references should be provided in an alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors. The completion of the missing sections in footnotes and references is the most energy and time consuming act in the period towards publishing.
Review Process
The articles submitted to the editorial of the International Crimes and History are initially examined in accordance with the general publishing standards by the Publishing Committee. The preliminary examination period lasts the most 3 weeks and upon a positive confirmation by the committee the article is sent to two experts in
the related field for referee evaluation. Upon receiving a positive rating from both referees, the committee decides to publish the article. If one referee judges the article positively while the other does not, than the committee asks for an evaluation from a third referee and his final judgment is taken into account.
The authors need to make the necessary corrections foreseen by the referee and take into account the criticisms of the Publishing Board. Under conditions of disagreement, they are required to justify their claims to the editor. In communicating with the referee, the "blind referee" rule is implemented.
The authors acknowledge that by submitting their articles to the International Crimes and History they transfer all the rights affiliated with the article to ASAM-ÝKSAREN.
One month (the most) from the date of publishing, an honorarium of 300 dollars is being paid to the authors whose articles have been published in the International Crimes and History along with 3 copies of the related edition.
The submission of articles via e-mail is preferred. The submissions are sent to: eturbedar@asam. org.tr; eturbedar@gmail. com
For hard-copy materials and general contact, the following information can be used:
ASAM, Uluslararasý Suçlar ve Tarih Editörlüðü
Konrad Adenaur Caddesi No 61
06550 Yýldýz-Çankaya/ Ankara TÜRKÝYE
Tel: +90312 491 60 70
Fax: +90312 491 60 97
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