Oct 16, 2006

2007 Smithsonian Fellowships (USA)

In-residence Fellowships in the Museums, Research Institutes and Offices of the Smithsonian Institution.

The Smithsonian Institution offers fellowships for research and study in the following fields:
a.. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics.
b.. Anthropology, including archaelogy, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthrophology
c.. Astrophysics and astronomy
d.. Earth sciences and paleobiology
e.. Evolutionary and systematic biology
f.. Folklife
g.. History of science and technology
h.. History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts
i.. Materials research
j.. Molecular biology
k.. Social and cultural history of the United States
Early contact with potential advisor(s) is strongly recommended.

Postmark deadline: January 15, 2007

Fellowship Programs:

Ten-Week Graduate Student Fellowships
for graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program.
Term: 10 weeks

Predoctoral Fellowships
for doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation research
Term: 3-12 months

Postdoctoral Fellowships
for scholars up to seven years beyond the Ph.D.
Term:3-12 months

Senior Fellowships
for scholars more than seven years beyond the Ph.D.
Term: 3-12 months

Details and other Smithsonian Fellowships and Internships opportunities can be found at http://www.si. edu/research+ study.

Office of Research Training and Services
Smithsonian Institution
Victor Building Suite 9300
MRC 902 PO Box 37012
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012

Phone: 202/275-0655
E-mail: siofg@si.edu

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