Jul 28, 2007

CfA: Forum on Evidence based Toxicology, Cernobbio, Italy

15-18 October 2007: Forum on Evidence-based Toxicology

CORDIS has the pleasure to invite you to the Forum on Evidence Toxicology which will take place from October 15th to October 18th 2007 at the Conference Centre 'Spazio Villa Erba' in Cernobbio at the upper Italian lake of Como, Italy.

The forum is organized by the scientists that are active in the field of toxicology, life sciences, biostatistics, modeling and medicine. This forum is supported by the European Commission. The scope of the forum is to explore the concept of an 'evidence-based toxicology', following the successful example of the 'evidence-based medicine' movement that aims at transparent decision-making on the basis of the
best expert and external evidence available.

Join scientists, regulatory toxicologists and policy makers in an effort to renew toxicological risk assessment, to provide the toxicological community with the tools it needs to efficiently and transparently judge risks of a diversifying nature and to make toxicology thus fit to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

For more information and free registration on a first come first serve basis please visit www.ebtox.org

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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