Jul 31, 2007

PhD in Computational Seismology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Computational Seismology: Ph.D. opportunities at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

"High-performance computing in global and earthquake seismology: linking innovative Earth tomography to earthquake physics and seismic hazard"

We are seeking two highly motivated students to work within a recently funded 3-year research project in the domain of computational seismology. The aim of this project is to apply modern high-performance computing techniques to imaging of seismic sources and Earth structure, both from a forward modeling perspective and from the inverse problem. These two topics are tightly coupled since (i) they involve the same technical and computational issues, representing different applications of the same key computational tools and because (ii) the source and structural imaging problems are strictly related: seismic observations cannot provide a faithful image of Earth structure unless the location and mechanism of the sources are well known, while in turn the accuracy with which source parameters are determined depends on the quality of the three-dimensional Earth model used as reference in earthquake source inversions. The proposed work will also target comprehensive near-field ground-motion simulations in which we directly incorporate the new tomography results, with their uncertainties, augmented with stochastic-media parameterization at short scale lengths. Applicants must have a M.Sc. or Diploma in geosciences, physics, or computer sciences.

Strong analytical skills, experience in programming (C/C++, F90/95, MPI, UNIX shells, MATLAB) as well as expertise in data analysis and visualization are required. A solid knowledge of the English language (both oral and written) is mandatory, and the willingness to learn at least the basics of German is expected. Good interpersonal skills, the ability to work in a diverse team of several researchers and students, and the willingness to present the work at international
conferences and workshops are expected.

Our institute is a diverse environment emphasizing multidisciplinary interactions. A wide variety of graduate level courses in the Earth Sciences are offered. Please visit the Seismology and Geodynamics web page, at http://www.seg. ethz.ch/ or contact Dr. P.M Mai (mai@sed.ethz. ch) for further information. Complete applications must include statement of personal interests, curriculum vitae and names and addresses of two references, and should be sent to Dr. P.M. Mai (paper form accepted,electronic submissions preferred). Applications are accepted until Sept 15, 2007; interviews will be held in October 2007; starting date in early

ETH is an equal-opportunity and non-discriminating employer.

Website link: http://www.seismo. ethz.ch/staff/ martin/HPC/ PositionAdd. pdf

[sursa beasiswa]

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