Jul 25, 2007

PhD Structural analysis of the functional connectivity of the brain

We offer a PhD position in a very interdisciplinary research project,
investigating the question how the function of memory is affected by age. The contribution of the proposed PhD project is in the field of mathematical and computational modeling and analysis, in particular the structural analysis of networks describing the functional connectivity in the brain. The offer is addressed to students holding a Diploma or Master in physics, mathematics, or computer science, and to theoretically oriented students of biology or medicine. Interest in interdisciplinary research and basic programming skills are assumed.
The position is available immediately.

For further information see
http://www.iwr. uni-heidelberg. de/groups/ amj/People/ Franziska. Matthaeus/

Franziska Matth€ ¦äus
franziska.matthaeus @iwr.uni- heidelberg. de
Interdisziplin€ ¦ä res Zentrum f€ ¦ür wissenschaftliches Rechnen

Ansprechpartner: Franziska Matth€ ¦äus, franziska.matthaeus @iwr.uni- heidelberg. de

[sursa beasiswa]

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