Jul 25, 2007

Physical Electrochemistry Position (München)

A PhD studentship is available in the Emmy Noether Group of Dr. Matthias Arenz at the Technical University of Munich in the field of Electrocatalysis and Cluster Science. In this project the influence of the particle size and the electronic structure of size-selected, supported clusters on electrocatalytic reactions will be studied by means of FTIR, DEMS and RDE. The electrocatalytic reactions studied focus on processes occurring in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). The cluster samples will be prepared by size-selected cluster deposition. The succesful candidate will be part of a new exciting field of electrocatalytic research. One of the main tasks will be the design and set-up of the Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry, which should give novel insights into the electrocatalytic reactions of interest.

The Emmy Noether Group is located at the Chair Physical Chemistry I of Prof. U. Heiz, and has an exceptional infrastructure available. The research activities at the Chair inlcude UHV studies of the properties of nanostructures at surfaces as for instance the chemical and catalytic properties of size-selected clusters or their optical properties by cavity ringdown spectroscopy. In addition, the Technical University of Munich offers a very active and stimulating scientific environment.

The succesful candidate must have a Diploma in Chemistry or Physics or a Masters in Science. Basic knowledge in Electrochemistry or Mass Spectrometry are desirable.

Further details are available from Dr. Matthias Arenz (matthias.arenz@ mytum.de),
Lehrstuhl f€ ¦ür Physikalische Chemie, Technische Universit€ ¦ät M€ ¦ünchen, Germany.

Matthias Arenz
matthias.arenz@ mytum.de
Technische Universit€ ¦ät M€ ¦ünchen
M€ ¦ünchen

Ansprechpartner: Matthias Arenz, matthias.arenz@ mytum.de

[sursa beasiswa]

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