Jul 8, 2007

International Symposium on Poverty, February, 1-3, 2008/Istanbul

Poverty is a widespread and global phenomenon, which has pervasive effects on global and local communities. Different social scientific disciplines, vary from sociology to economics, political science to social work, emphasize on the different aspects of the problem, and thus contribute the existing literature on poverty and its causes, pervasiveness and effects in 21st century. Furthermore, there is a profusion of supranational actors, usually lying beyond the state, to tackle poverty. UNDP, World-Bank and local or global civil society organizations work in the field of poverty alleviation and offer a variety of services and solutions to the problem of poverty alongside the nation-states. In this respect, it is crucial to bring civil, public, academic and supranational actors together to discuss different aspects of the problem of poverty and thus to establish global and local platforms to fight against poverty.

Thus, Deniz Feneri Poverty Research Center, thus, to promote cooperation and exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of poverty alleviation aims to organize an international symposium on poverty between 1st and 3rd of February, 2008 in Istanbul/Turkey.

Symposium Topics
Poverty: Between Society and Economy
Poverty and Public Policy
Poverty and Supranational Institutions
Philantrophy, Poverty and Civil Society Organizations
Globalization and Poverty
Sustainability, Natural Resources and Poverty
Poverty Alleviation, Strategies and Alternatives
Knowledge, Governance and Poverty
Symposium Practical Info
Symposium will be held between February, 1-3, 2008 in Istanbul. It is organized by Deniz Feneri Poverty Research Center.

Participants/ speakers should submit their abstracts until August.20 2007, which are not more than 250 words, to the symposium secretariat via e-mail. The abstract review outcomes will be announced in August.31.2007.

Upon acceptance, a conference manuscript should be submitted to symposium secretariat until December.25. 2007. The manuscript reviews will be announced in January.05.2008. All the manuscripts should be written in Microsoft-Word format. All submitted documents should also be written in APA writing style. For APA-style visit http://apastyle. apa.org/
Papers can be submitted in English or in Turkish. In Turkish papers, an English abstract, which is not more than 250 words, should be added. All documents should include a keyword section, written in both in English and Turkish.

The Language
The languages of the symposium are English and Turkish.

Transportation and Accommodation
The transportation and accommodation will be provided on the basis of availabilities.

Symposium Committee
Prof. Korkut Tuna
Prof. Zekeriya Kur€ ¦þun
Prof. Ra€ ¦þit K€ ¦üçük
Prof. € ¦Ömer € ¦Çaha
Prof. Davut Dursun
Assoc. Prof. A. Emre Bilgili
Harun Kap€ ¦ýyolda€ ¦þ
€ ¦Ýbrahim Altan

Symposium Secretariat
€ ¦Ümit Aydo€ ¦ðmu€ ¦þ (deyam@denizfeneri. org.tr, uaydogmus@denizfene ri.org.tr )
Zeynep G€ ¦üne€ ¦þ (deyam@denizfeneri. org.tr, zgunes@denizfeneri. org.tr )

International Symposium on Poverty
Scientific Committee
Prof. Adnan KULAKSIZO€ ¦ÐLU - Marmara University
Prof. Ali AKAY - Mimar Sinan University
Prof. Ali SEYYAR € ¦’¶ Sakarya University
Prof. Ayd€ ¦ýn G€ ¦ÜLAN € ¦’¶ Istanbul University
Prof. Azim € ¦ÖZT€ ¦ÜRK € ¦’¶ Seyhan Municipality Mayor
Prof. Bilal ERYILMAZ - Sakarya University
Prof. Co€ ¦þkun Can AKTAN-Dokuz Eyl€ ¦ül University
Prof. Davut DURSUN - Sakarya University
Prof. Eser KARAKA€ ¦Þ - Bah€ ¦çe€ ¦þehir University
Prof. Faruk BE€ ¦ÞER - Sakarya University
Prof. I. Mete DO€ ¦ÐRUER - Marmara University
Prof. € ¦Ýsmail DO€ ¦ÐAN - Ankara University
Prof. Kenan G€ ¦ÜRSOY € ¦’¶ Galatasaray University
Prof. Korkut TUNA - Istanbul University
Prof. M. L€ ¦ütfullah KARAMAN - Fatih University
Prof. Mehmet ALTAN - Istanbul University
Prof. Murat € ¦ÇÝZAK€ ¦ÇA - Bah€ ¦çe€ ¦þehir University
Prof. Mustafa D€ ¦ÝLBER - Fatih University
Prof. Nazif G€ ¦ÜRDO€ ¦ÐAN € ¦’¶ Fatih University
Prof. Necmettin TOZLU - Y€ ¦üz€ ¦ünc€ ¦ü Y€ ¦ýl University
Prof. Niyazi ERUSLU - Istanbul Technical University
Prof. € ¦Ömer € ¦ÇAHA - Fatih University
Prof. Ra€ ¦þit K€ ¦ÜÇÜK - Marmara University
Prof. Saziye GAZ€ ¦ÝOGLU- University of Aberdeen
Prof. Steven Rathgeb SM€ ¦ÝTH € ¦’¶ University of Washington
Prof. € ¦Þinasi G€ ¦ÜND€ ¦ÜZ - Istanbul University
Prof. Vildan SER€ ¦ÝN € ¦’¶ Fatih University
Prof. Zekeriya KUR€ ¦ÞUN - Marmara University
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Emre B€ ¦ÝLG€ ¦ÝL€ ¦Ý - Marmara University
Assoc. Prof. B. Berat € ¦ÖZ€ ¦ÝPEK - Gaziosmanpa€ ¦þa University
Assoc. Prof. Emin Ya€ ¦þar DEM€ ¦ÝRC€ ¦Ý - Y€ ¦üz€ ¦ünc€ ¦ü Y€ ¦ýl University
Assoc. Prof. Fatih B€ ¦ÝLG€ ¦ÝL€ ¦Ý - Bal€ ¦ýkesir University
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa TA€ ¦ÞDEM€ ¦ÝR - Marmara University
Assoc. Prof. Song€ ¦ül S. G€ ¦ÜL - S€ ¦üleyman Demirel University
Assist. Prof. Havva € ¦ÇAHA - Fatih University
Assist. Prof. Necdet SUBA€ ¦ÞI - Mu€ ¦ðla University
Dr. Mehmet ASUTAY € ¦’¶ Durham University
Dr. Adnan TEK€ ¦ÞEN
Psy. Celil G€ ¦ÜNG€ ¦ÖR - Director of Ministry of Culture Research and Education Dept.

Contact :

€ ¦ÜM€ ¦ÝT AYDO€ ¦ÐMU€ ¦Þ € ¦’¶ ZEYNEP G€ ¦ÜNE€ ¦Þ
Deniz Feneri Yoksulluk Ara€ ¦þt€ ¦ýrmalar€ ¦ý Merkezi (DEYAM)
10. Y€ ¦ýl Cad. Cino€ ¦ðlu € ¦Çýkmaz€ ¦ý, No. 4
Zeytinburnu/ Istanbul
Tel: +90-212-41461 18 / 22
Fax: +90-212-4156161
E-mail: sempozyum@deyam. org
www.yoksulluk. org
www.deyam.org/ sempozyum

[sursa e-nass]

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