Jul 17, 2007

PhD opportunity in agricultural economy (IAMO)

There is a PhD opportunity in agricultural economy. The ideal candidate should have a MSc degree in related field. More details can be found bellow....

For this PhD scholarship, I am looking for a bright young Researcher from Eastern Europe who is interested in looking at structural changes in agriculture in a selected area of this region.

Concerning methods, I am quite open. However, the candidate should possess some knowledge on economic processes and possibly be able to handle spatial data. I also expect the person to be able to read and write in English as (s)he has to write the (possibly cumulative) dissertation in English. I'd also prefer a strong background in mathematics. Possible methods may include statistics/economet rics, spatial analysis, neural nets, agent-based modeling, or other simulation tools.

Check my website below for topics I was so far interested in, but I am open to new ideas, too!

Dr. Daniel Mueller
Senior Scientist
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Website: http://amor. rz.hu-berlin. de/~muelleda/
Email: mueller@iamo. de

Department of Geomatics
Institute of Geography
Humboldt University Berlin www.hu-geomatics. de
Theodor-Lieser- Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale)
Ph.: +49(0)345-2928 328 Fax: +49(0)345-2928 399

[sursa study-x]

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